Choose the Right Deck Building Material for Your Project
When you are ready to elevate the look of your outdoor space with a deck, there are two main types of deck material to consider: wood and composite. Wood is a more traditional choice. It is budget-friendly and can be stained or painted any color, but it requires more maintenance over time. Composite is usually made of recycled material and comes in various colors. It is the more expensive option but is extremely low-maintenance and easy to clean. Do it Best has deck material options to go with any style home.
Deck Building Hardware
There are many tools and supplies needed when undertaking a deck-building project. Start by choosing deck boards and deck posts. There are multiple handrail styles, including wood, composite, and metal. A stair stringer is necessary if the deck is above ground level. Ensure your deck is waterproof with deck wrap, joist tape, and beam tape. Finally, utilize deck spacers to help measure the board spacing for a more professional look.