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Lawn Spreaders for Every Application

Lawn sprayers and lawn spreaders come in many types to handle various lawn maintenance tasks. Garden dusters and lawn fertilizer spreaders can be used to distribute fertilizer, grass seed, soil conditioner, salt, and ice melt.

Common types of fertilizer spreaders for lawn:

  • Drop spreaders distribute material through a pattern of holes in the bottom. It is easy to control the area where product is applied, but it may require many passes to cover an entire yard.

  • Broadcast spreaders have a mechanism that spins while dropping material. Product is spread over a larger area, but it is more likely to spread product to areas like flower beds or sidewalks where it is not wanted.

  • Handheld spreaders are a simple way to cover a small area. These should be used on a day when wind is low to avoid product blowing.

  • Pull behind spreaders are attached to a tractor and have wheels to be pulled over large areas. They have a large range of distribution.

  • Lawn garden sprayers can be used for liquid pesticides and fertilizers. 

Do it Best can help you choose the right spreader or sprayer for your needs.