Lyric Bird Food
We supply Lyric bird food!
We sell a wide variety of wild bird food from Lyric. Stop in to our store or shop online to get yours today!
Lyric Wild Bird Food contains only the finest and freshest ingredients. They have been scientifically tested, developed and marketed to appeal to a wide variety of wild birds. In addition, they're free of filler and waste. Better seeds and better quality mean more birds at your feeder - again and again!
Nothing could get fresher than the straights collection by Lyric Wild Bird Food. The Lyric Straights collection will give you exactly what you want. They contain only the highest quality ingredients, so you don't have the dust or mess of other brands' straights. The Lyric Straights collection can be used alone or combined with any of the Lyric Mixes. You will attract more birds, and you'll keep them coming back!