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Vern's Hardware, Rental & Lumber

Welcome to Vern's Hardware, Rental & Lumber!

Vern's Hardware, Rental & Lumber actually began in the building that now houses Smurawa’s Country Bakery. Back in the day, it was known as Arnie’s IGA. Vern Novinska, the original owner began operation in 1993. At the time, there were four hardware stores located in Pulaski, and Vern’s was told by many that it would never last.

In August of 2016, Tom Crabb, took ownership of Vern's Hardware, Rental & Lumber. “It had always been my dream to own my own business and when I learned that Vern was looking to retire, I jumped at it,” recalled Tom. “The store, the employees, and the community really appealed to me,” he continued.

Tom's background

Tom’s experience began in retail while in high school where he was a Floor Manager at Snyder Drug in the Green Bay Plaza. He later went on to get his BS degree in business and marketing. He worked in the corporate world for 30 years before returning to his roots in retail.

Tom has always enjoyed fixing up houses and rental properties over the years. He was flipping houses even before he knew it was such a thing. He’s excited to share with his customers solutions to household issues and his remodeling experiences. He truly enjoys helping people through his own passions.

Tom is married to his wife, Jenni, and has two boys, Sam and Max, that are now both college grads, and are now embarking on their own careers. This time has allowed Tom to pursue his dream of owning his own business. This empty nester now enjoys time with his wife and two dogs.

What's so great about having a business in Pulaski?

When asked this question, the answer from Tom is, “The People.” “Everyone you meet is so down to earth. It’s refreshing, coming from the corporate scene. The low crime rate, great location, hardworking employees and great community, just put the cherry on the cake.” says Tom.

Working seven days a week, and being fairly new to the business, has kept Tom extremely busy. However, Tom is optimistic that he will be able to get out a little more and get more involved in the community in the coming months. So far, the experiences he and his wife have had are great.

Tom plans to continue the legacy that Vern started, and to continue their focus on the homeowner, or the “do it yourselfer.” Vern's Hardware, Rental & Lumber is always there for their customers; through advice they give, the products they sell, and the 200+ rental items they provide.

Have a question? Pick up the phone and call Vern's Hardware, Rental & Lumber is always there for their customers; through advice they give, the products they sell, and the 200+ rental items they provide. 920-822-1040 or connect with them on Facebook.