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Topping Soil vs. Potting Soil vs. Garden Soil: What is the Difference?

When it comes to choosing the right soil for your gardening needs, understanding the differences between top soil, potting soil, and garden soil is essential for the health and growth of your plants.

Top Soil

Top soil is the top few inches of soil taken from any yard, garden, or outdoor space. It contains microorganisms and organic material. It is generally heavy and holds water longer than potting soil. Some topsoils are garden topsoils intended for use in flower beds and gardening areas. 

Garden Soil

Garden top soil is enriched with manure or another organic material to encourage plant growth. Top soil and garden top soil are not meant to be used in containers, as they do not provide adequate drainage or nutrients for potted plants. 

Potting Soil

Potting soil is a mixture of materials such as perlite, moss, and bark. It does not contain actual soil. Potting soil is much lighter than topsoil. It is great for container planting because it is aerated to allow roots to breathe and drain water. It is also sterile and free of organisms that may harm potted plants. Some potting soils have unique characteristics to support the growth of specific plants, such as African Violets, succulents, or vegetables. It is not suggested to use potting soil for lawns, as it is expensive and does not grow grass as well as top soil or enriched garden soil. 

Whether you need topsoil or potting soil, Do it Best has a huge selection to keep your lawn and garden beautiful.

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